

For effective strategic planning, organisations will need to bring together teams of colleagues to discuss and negotiate vision, content, direction, assets, challenges, accountability. The use of an external facilitator, with a coaching approach, will bring rewards including:

Facilitators are familiar with, and expert at, working with people and the dynamics of personalities in groups

An independent, neutral and objective perspective

Ensuring inclusivity and participation of all attendees –recognising diverse learning and communication styles

Using evidence based tools, techniques and models to facilitate discussion

Can get more done and easier to reach a decision and a consensus

Setting the tone – not being aware of potential culture, power or conflict dynamics

Facilitators are familiar with, and expert at, working with people and the dynamics of personalities in groups

Co-produce a plan for the day with participants / leaders and identify the expected outcomes

Release all staff to be a part of the conversation and able to actively listen, instead of worrying about logistics like time keeping, the agenda and staying on task

Asking probing and incisive questions