My goal is to release the potential of individuals and maximise the human talent of organisations
Are you or your business:
Feeling lost or stuck?
Life not turning out as expected?
Needing to unlock your greater potential?
At a cross-roads?
Anxious about returning after a career break?
At a point of transition?
Keen to move forward?
Looking for new opportunities to grow or diversify?
Looking to strengthen its leadership capability?
Executive and Leadership Coaching may be your answer?
A successful model of delivery, that takes a solution-focused approach, using evidenced coaching tools and techniques and consists of the following key elements:
Establishing your/teams goals or outcomes
Identifying your key values, strengths & assets that drive self-determination & intrinsic
Recognising self limiting beliefs, their antecedents & how to turn them into a positive
driver for change
A robust plan of action to meet your/teams desired goals and outcomes
Individualism, traits, beliefs, values, life experiences, skills, knowledge all make you uniquely YOU and provides your company or employer with a unique competitive advantage; ripe for development and opportunity.
However, we are all subject to self limiting or disempowering beliefs, embedded in us from childhood or an experience you maybe don't even remember.
Coaching can explore the antecedents of these emotions, how they impact on your life, provide tools and techniques to break through the obstacles and build on your real values, strengths and assets to meet your true potential.
You may be at a point of personal transition, or a high level executive, looking to take your company to the next stage or to release the latent potential of your staff. You will be amazed at what can be achieved by giving yourself some protected time in a safe space to explore through insightful questioning, deep thinking and reflection.
My job is to help you identify goals, recognise your unique values and abilities, explore areas for further development, enable you to reach your potential and to be a transformational leader.
"Whether you come from a council estate or a country estate, your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude." - Michelle Obama G20 Summit