

“I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think … by asking a series of skilful questions to stimulate learning for themselves” Socrates, 5th Century BC

Coaching is a non-therapeutic partnership that engages people, in a thought-provoking and creative process, using evidence-based principles and tools including active listening, clean questioning, challenge and feedback.

It does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical condition but will explore and identify an individual’s or group’s different influences, dynamics, obstacles and drivers including work / professional life, health, behaviours, experiences, relationships, education, personal and social life. The aim is to recognise strengths and assets that provide robust foundations, identify the barriers and solutions to remove obstacles and move forward.

All interventions are completely client led and ‘owned’, the answer lies within the client(s) and realisation is reached through incisive and probing questions. People report many benefits to engaging in coaching sessions or developing a coaching culture, within the workplace.

Benefits of coaching



Balancing work and home life

Building personal awareness

Growing as a leader

Increasing engagement at work

Understanding of job & wider workforce

Safe space to reflect and gain perspective

Strategies to manage challenging situations

Workforce relationships and communication

Improve confidence, belief and self esteem

Innovation, adaptability and agility

Staff retention and job satisfaction

Boosts efficiency and productivity

Ownership of personal development

Explore career path and future careers

Attract potential new talent

Outcomes using a coaching approach



Personal & Professional Development Goals

Maximisation of Potential

Building Personal Resilience

Identify Self-Limiting Beliefs, Behaviours and Barriers to Progression

Positive Transition e.g. retirement, redundancy, promotion, career change

Improve communication style and skills

Embrace Change

Team Development

Building Team Resilience

Organisational Design and Development

Transformational Change

Leadership Skills and Development

Organisational or Team Culture

Manage Conflict Positively

Facilitate the creation of a strategy / action plan for achieving goals

Develop the skills and create space for reflection

An external, independent and objective perspective

Questions that challenge assumptions and help reframe issues

Offering feedback and advice including a review of third-party feedback from interviews or 360 surveys